Our Projects

For Planet

For Planet is an ambitious youth movement led by Youth Focus North West in partnership
with the Environment Agency, that tackles the climate emergency and alleviates climate
anxiety amongst young people through a mobile app that inspires and challenges young
people to have agency and empowers them to drive change.

For Planet began with a call to action from then 16-year-old Emma Greenwood, who during her keynote speech at the 2019 Flood &  Coast Conference, urged organisations to help change carbon behaviours amongst young people.

The Environment Agency responded. The goal was to create recommendations for a mobile app that would motivate behaviour changes. The Environment Agency innovation hub developed a proof of concept version of the app which demonstrated the potential benefits for young people, the environment, and creating climate-resilient communities.


In 2022, the Environment Agency advanced the project by developing the For Planet app for wider testing. Partnering with app developer 3-Sided Cube and Youth Focus North West (YFNW), the app was shaped by young people’s input through workshops and a testing phase from April 15th to June 3rd, 2023.

You can find out more here.

  • 88% of users felt that using the For Planet app influenced the way they feel about climate change, with 62% using positive words such as “inspired”, “motivated” and “optimistic” compared to 16% using positive words before using the app.
  • 80% of users thought that they increased the knowledge or participation of friends or family members who would not usually engage in climate activities
  • 78% of users spent at least 3 hours a week in nature and green spaces, compared to 58% before they started using the app.
  • 13.2 tonnes of CO2e saved, 35,453 kWh of energy saved and 1 million litres of water saved during the pilot.


An analysis phase engaged more young people and key stakeholders, leading to co-production workshops where Youth Climate Champions and the EA explored barriers to climate action. This led to the development of the For Planet app prototype, tested by stakeholders and refined through innovation workshops, resulting in a prototype that received positive initial feedback, validating its potential to drive significant climate action.

Since the proof of concept stage the ownership of the Intellectual Property has been passported from the Environment Agency to YFNW, an Advisory Panel of industry experts has been set up which includes representation from the Environment Agency, Scienap (digital agency partner), Emma Greenwood (who initiated the call to action) and we are recruiting from the fields of climate education, STEM, business and the environment, a Steering Group of young people (15-25yrs) has been brought together and supported to help steer the project, a
part time Project Manager and Youth Voice Worker have been appointed, and development work is underway in terms of the strategy and vision for the next five years (2024-2029).


“I have had the privilege of watching this project grow from an ambitious idea into a dynamic tool that helps and educates us to take steps toward a greener and greater future. My involvement in the For Planet project stems from a deep-rooted passion and concern for environmental stewardship and a firm belief in the power of technology to drive positive change. What excites me most about the For Planet project is meeting like minded climate concerned and conscious individuals and its potential to democratise climate action”

Steering Group member, 15

Year 1 April 24 – March 25
The focus on Year 1 is establishing strong foundations and securing amazing partnerships from which the movement can flourish.

Year 2 April 25- March 26

The focus on Year 2 is expanding to include STEM and climate education KS3/KS4.

Years 3-5 to be developed as the project evolves in co-production with the Steering Group
and the Advisory Panel

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